We work on certain aspects of playing in order to forget about them. Technique has to be so internalized that it then no longer exists.
Contradictions coexist – learn to forget.
Developing sound is a continuous process, I suppose it's comparable to meditation or yoga where you seek to expand your limits to become limitless. It takes a lot of trust and conviction.
I was asked this question today and it felt nice to be able to put it in words. Thanks HD!
I almost forgot....but so true:
I've been working a lot on photography these days, intensely thinking about composition within the frame. My work ranged from portraiture for musicians to documenting an oboe maker's workshop. Before walking into the session I'd sketch out potential images I'd like to capture and prepare some ideas as to how to make those happen. Once the session starts, it's just like a performance actually. Interaction with people, being on top of the technicalities, and the ultimate goal to bring about the essence of the subject.
Like music is more than just showing the notes.
Having beautiful light is like having a beautiful sound.
The essence becomes something visible, audible, almost touchable.